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Configuration: Getting Started

The main config file is rocket.config.js or rocket.config.mjs.

It typically looks something like this

import { rocketLaunch } from '@d4kmor/launch';
import { rocketBlog } from '@d4kmor/blog';
import { rocketSearch } from '@d4kmor/search';
import { absoluteBaseUrlNetlify } from '@d4kmor/core/helpers';

export default /** @type {Partial<import('@d4kmor/cli').RocketCliOptions>} */ ({
  presets: [rocketLaunch(), rocketBlog(), rocketSearch()],
  emptyOutputDir: false,
  absoluteBaseUrl: absoluteBaseUrlNetlify('http://localhost:8080'),

The Plugins Manager helps you register and execute your plugins across the various Rocket components - rollup, dev-server, eleventy, and markdown. It replaces the specific registration/execution call in a given plugin system by an intent to use that plugin.

Adding Remark/Unified Plugins

If you want to a plugin to the markdown processing you can use setupUnifiedPlugins.

import emoji from 'remark-emoji';
import { addPlugin } from 'plugins-manager';

/** @type {Partial<import('@d4kmor/cli').RocketCliOptions>} */
const config = {
  setupUnifiedPlugins: [addPlugin({ location: 'markdown', name: 'emoji', plugin: emoji })],

export default config;

For plugins that should handle the markdown AST you should use addPlugin({ location: 'markdown', name: 'my-plugin', plugin: MyPlugin}).
While for the rehype ast you should use addPlugin({ location: 'remark2rehype', name: 'my-plugin', plugin: MyPlugin}).