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First Pages: Getting Started

Rocket is has the following prerequisits:

Make sure they are installed before proceeding.


The fastest way to get started is by using an existing preset like the launch preset.

  1. Start with an empty new folder

    mkdir my-project
    cd my-project
    npm init -y
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install --save-dev @d4kmor/cli @d4kmor/launch
  3. Add to your .gitignore

    ## Rocket ignore files (need to be the full relative path to the folders)

You may be tempted to skip the step above, because you're not ready to commit to git yet!

Rocket uses the .gitignore file to manage it's requirements. If you skip this step, rocket will fail to deploy!

  1. Create a rocket.config.mjs (or .js if you have type: "module" in you package.json)

    import { rocketLaunch } from '@d4kmor/launch';
    export default {
      presets: [rocketLaunch()],

All further pathes are relative to your project root (my-project in this case)

Add your first page

👉 docs/

# Welcome to your Rocket site

Text here, like any markdown file.

This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Markdown, for page authoring.

Please note that the heading - text prefixed with # or ## - is not optional for each page in this tutorial. Everything below that first line is optional Markdown text.

Start up:

👉 package.json

Add "start": "rocket start" to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "start": "rocket start"

Now you can launch your site locally with

npm run start

Taking Inventory Before Adding Pages:

We're about to add both content and navigation at the same time.

It can be helpful to take an inventory, before we start, to separate basic setup from the creation of content and navigation.

  • We built the project with basic npm commands
  • Added a couple required files manually
  • Adjusted package.json
  • doc/ to seed the content
  • Launches with npm start

That's all it takes to get a new super-fast and powerful site, complete with a service worker, default styling, navigation, and ready to deploy as a plain old static files.