Go Live: Overview
A few things are usually needed before going live "for real".
Add a not found page
When a user enters a url that does not exists then a "famous" 404 page not found error occures. Many servers are configured to handle this automatically and to serve a 404.html page instead.
The Rocket Lauch Preset ships a default 404 template you can use.
To enable it you need to creating a 404.md and use the 404 layout.
👉 docs/404.md
layout: 404.njk
permalink: 404.html
Add a sitemap
A sitemap can be used to inform search engines or services about the pages your site has.
You can create one by adding this file
👉 docs/sitemap.njk
layout: pure-content.njk
permalink: /sitemap.xml
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
{% for page in collections.all %}
<loc>{{ rocketConfig.absoluteBaseUrl }}{{ page.url | url }}</loc>
<lastmod>{{ page.date.toISOString() }}</lastmod>
<changefreq>{{ page.data.changeFreq if page.data.changeFreq else "monthly" }}</changefreq>
{% endfor %}